
Jellye Cannabis Seeds: Glossary of Cannabis Cultivation Terms

Welcome to the world of cannabis cultivation! Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or a curious newcomer, navigating the terminology can feel overwhelming. Here at Jellye Cannabis Seeds, we’re here to help! This glossary will equip you with the essential terms you need to grow your confidence (and your cannabis) along with your plants.

General Cannabis Terms:

  • Autoflower: A cannabis variety that automatically transitions from the vegetative to flowering stage, regardless of light cycle.
  • CBD (Cannabidiol): A non-psychoactive cannabinoid with a wide range of potential therapeutic benefits.
  • Clone: A genetically identical copy of a parent plant created through vegetative propagation.
  • Fan Leaves: Large, broad leaves that help the plant photosynthesize.
  • Feminized Seeds: Seeds guaranteed to produce female cannabis plants.
  • Flowering Stage: The period when cannabis plants produce flowers (buds) containing cannabinoids.
  • Hermaphrodite: A cannabis plant that develops both male and female reproductive organs.
  • Indica: A cannabis variety known for relaxing effects and typically shorter, bushier plants.
  • Landrace: A cannabis strain that has naturally adapted to a specific region over generations.
  • Nutrient: Essential elements that cannabis plants need to grow, such as Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K).
  • Photoperiod: The light cycle that affects a plant’s growth stages. Most cannabis strains are photoperiodic, requiring specific light/dark periods to flower.
  • Ruderalis: A cannabis subspecies known for its autoflowering properties.
  • Sativa: A cannabis variety known for uplifting effects and typically taller, lankier plants.
  • Strain: A specific variety of cannabis with unique characteristics like genetics, appearance, and effects.
  • Stamen: The male reproductive organ of the cannabis plant, responsible for pollen production.
  • THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol): The primary psychoactive compound in cannabis, responsible for the “high” sensation.
  • Trichome: Microscopic hairs containing cannabinoids and terpenes on the surface of cannabis flowers.

Cultivation Techniques:

  • LST (Low Stress Training): A technique that involves manipulating the growth of cannabis plants to maximize light exposure and yield.
  • Mainlining: An advanced LST technique that creates a central main stem with multiple evenly spaced branches.
  • ScrOG (Sea of Green): A high-density cultivation method using many small cannabis plants grown close together to maximize yield per unit area.
  • Supercropping: A high-stress training technique that involves intentionally stressing and manipulating the main stem to promote lateral growth and bushier plants.
  • Topping: Removing the apical bud (growing tip) of a cannabis plant to encourage bushier growth.

Germination and Seedling Stage:

  • Cotyledons: The first leaves that emerge from a germinating cannabis seed.
  • Damping Off: A fungal disease that can kill cannabis seedlings.
  • Germination: The process by which a seed sprouts and begins to grow.pen_spark
  • Germination Rate: The percentage of seeds that successfully sprout.
  • Hypocotyl: The stem-like structure between the seed and the cotyledons.
  • Seedling: The very young cannabis plant that emerges from a germinated seed.pen_spark

Vegetative Stage:

  • Internode: The space between two nodes (points where leaves and branches grow) on a cannabis plant’s stem.
  • Node: The point on a cannabis plant’s stem where leaves and branches grow.
  • Vegetative Growth: The initial stage of cannabis growth where plants focus on foliage and stem development.

Flowering Stage:

  • Bud (Flower): The resinous flower of a female cannabis plant, containing cannabinoids and terpenes.
  • Cola: The main central bud at the top of a cannabis plant.
  • Flowering stage: The phase where female cannabis plants produce flowers (buds).
  • Harvest: The process of collecting mature cannabis flowers.
  • Pistil: The female reproductive organ of a cannabis plant, often appearing as white hairs on immature flowers.
  • Resin: A sticky substance produced by trichomes, containing cannabinoids and terpenes.
  • Trichome Production: The production of trichomes on the surface of cannabis flowers during the flowering stage.


  • Breeder: A person or company who specializes in creating new cannabis strains.
  • Brix: A measurement of the sugar content in a plant’s sap, which can indicate maturity.
  • Dispensary: A licensed retail establishment that sells cannabis products to consumers (where legal).
  • Hydroponics: A method of growing plants without soil, using a mineral nutrient solution.
  • Organic Cannabis: Cannabis grown using organic methods and without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.
  • pH: A measure of acidity or alkalinity, which is important for nutrient uptake in cannabis plants.
  • PPM (Parts Per Million): A unit of measurement used to express the concentration of nutrients in a cannabis nutrient solution.
  • Terpenes: Aromatic compounds found in cannabis plants that contribute to flavor and aroma.

This glossary is a starting point for your cannabis cultivation journey. As you delve deeper, you’ll encounter more specific terms. Don’t hesitate to consult our website or reach out to our friendly customer service team for further information!